Tasmanian Economy Thrives, Reports SFD

Tasmanian Government

State Final Demand data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that the Tasmanian economy is strong under the Tasmanian Liberal Government.

Tasmania's State Final Demand, a quarterly measure of economic activity, grew 3 per cent compared to the December 2023 quarter, leading the nation in growth over this period.

State Final Demand for the 2024 calendar year was $48.9 billion, a record 12 months for Tasmania.

Treasurer Guy Barnett welcomed the data, championing the Tasmanian Liberal Government's positive plan to get on with the job of growing the economy by backing business and jobs.

"Over the past ten years, our Government has demonstrated that we can deliver a strong economy through good economic conditions as well as some really challenging conditions," the Treasurer said.

"We have record low unemployment, the highest wage growth in the nation, record retail trade and business confidence is on the rise.

"Our economy is as large as it has ever been and we have continued to grow despite the very challenging economic conditions of the last few years.

"Our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is working, we are pulling out all the stops to get this done."

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