Tasmanian Green Hydrogen Kicks Off

Tasmanian Government

Green hydrogen is now being produced in Tasmania, with the state's first facility delivered by the Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre.

Minister for Energy and Renewables, Nick Duigan, said the Tasmanian Government welcomed the launch of the production facility and hydrogen microgrid.

"This facility is one of Australia's largest electrolysers, generating up to 100 per cent renewable hydrogen, providing an alternative and reliable energy supply that could replace carbon-intensive fossil fuels and diesel across a range of industries," Minister Duigan said.

"Our Government has a goal to reach 200 per cent renewable electricity generation by 2040, and this facility is the start of building a sustainable green hydrogen sector to power our State for generations to come.

"The commencement of this project is also an important step forward in the application of hydrogen as a green fuel, helping to decarbonise our transport sector.

"Consistent with our Renewable Hydrogen Action Plan, this project is the latest step in making Tasmania's green hydrogen sector a reality and to position Tasmania to be a key player in this expanding market.

"The microgrid sets up the state to showcase state green hydrogen production by tapping into our renewable energy resources.

"This commercial-scale green hydrogen project highlights what can be achieved when industry, research and government work together to drive innovation."

BECRC CEO Dr John Whittington said this was a pivotal moment for clean energy in the state and the nation.

"The launch of this facility marks the beginning of Tasmania's green hydrogen production journey of discovery," Dr Whittington said.

"We're really looking to produce answers to some of our most important questions around hydrogen and its uses.

"This is a research facility and as we ramp-up commercial production we will also better understand the role hydrogen can play and how it can support Australia's blue economy."

This is one of a suite of initiatives the Tasmanian Government is progressing for a sustainable hydrogen sector, such as the Tasmanian Green Hydrogen Hub, the Green Hydrogen Price Reduction Scheme and the soon to be released for consultation, Future Clean Fuels Strategy. These all assist in our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future to power Tasmania forward for generations to come.

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