Tasmanian Honour Roll Welcomes New Women Inductees

Tasmanian Government

Courage, innovation, dedication and advocacy define the 26 women and three women's organisations to be inducted onto the Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women today.

Minister for Women and the Prevention of Family Violence, Jo Palmer, said all the women and organisations joining the Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women have an inspirational story to tell.

"The Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women celebrates significant achievements of women and organisations locally, nationally and in some cases internationally," Minister Palmer said.

"The significant achievements range from establishing Tasmania's first Family Planning and Sexual Assault Service, leading a political party, advocating for people with disability, becoming a bestselling author, and ensuring services were established to support others."

Some of the new members include cooking presenter and writer Sally Wise and bestselling author Katherine Scholes.

Minister Palmer said the Honour Roll is also a celebration of the contributions of women who did not necessarily have a high profile.

"Women joining the Honour Roll include Kelly Drummond Cawthon, a champion for inclusive arts practices and Liz Swain, a member of the Tasmanian Women's Council and the first female to be employed in a senior leadership role at Bell Bay Aluminium," Minister Palmer said.

"It's pleasing to see organisations nominated for the Honour Roll, with the Hobart Women's Shelter, Women's Legal Service and Girl Guides play vital roles in supporting women and girls."

The Minister also launched a new Award for Inspiring Young Women.

"This new Award will recognise the next generation of young women who are already stepping up, taking action, and shaping Tasmania's tomorrow," Minister Palmer said.

"A key part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is developing stronger communities."

Nominations for the Inspiring Young Women's Awards are now open at www.women.tas.gov.au.

The Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women ceremony will be held at the Country Club, Prospect, on 7 March 2025 from 11am – 2pm.

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