Tasmanian Labor Prioritizes Jobs in New 2024 Parliament

Tas Labor

Labor stands for jobs.

We understand that instability is bad for the economy. 5,000 jobs have been lost since Jeremy Rockliff started governing in minority last year.

If we're going to prevent even more job losses, we have a responsibility to act maturely and sensibly as we approach this new Parliament. That is exactly what Labor will do.

We will not be moving a motion of no confidence, especially given the JLN and two independents have clearly declared their support for the Liberals.

But that does not mean we have confidence in this minority Liberal government - far from it.

Whether it's Tasmania's slowing economy, mounting job losses, record numbers of young people leaving for the mainland, a looming budget disaster or wages that aren't keeping pace with the cost of living, things just keep getting harder under the Liberals.

Today marks five months since Parliament sat. That was the most embarrassing day for any government in living memory. Having recalled Parliament, the Liberals then had no business to call on, failing in a vote to suspend the sitting and then eventually running away from Parliament before question time had even been called.

Labor has changed. In this new Parliament, Tasmanians can expect to see a new approach from us. We won't be negative for the sake of it, and we won't be reckless with no confidence motions.

But we will be relentless in holding this government to account - not only for the promises they've made, but also because Tasmania could be so much better with strong leadership that's squarely focused on creating safe, secure, well-paying jobs.

Dean Winter MP

Labor Leader

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