Tasmanian Producers Get Boost at Mac Point Stadium

Tas Labor

Labor is flying the flag for local food and beverage producers to be represented at the new Macquarie Point stadium.

We don't want the stadium to be another venue with $15 plastic cups of mainland beer and $20 hotdogs. Tasmanian producers make some of the best food and drinks in the world - both alcoholic and non-alcoholic - and we should take every opportunity we can to show them off.

Rather than signing away full rights to one of the big brewing companies, we want to see a section of the new stadium set aside as a Tasmanian dedicated area.

Labor has already called on the Liberals to implement a proper local jobs plan for construction of the stadium.

Ensuring Tassie beverage producers like the Albert Brewery can show-off their wares at the stadium once it's built is the next step of this local content plan, and also complements Labor's bold Night-Time Economy strategy.

I've been clear that under my leadership Labor stands for safe, secure and well-paid Tasmanian jobs and we'll always back in opportunities and businesses to support that vision

Dean Winter MP

Labor Leader

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