Tasmanian Schools Set for Playground, Sports Court Boost

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is delivering on its record investment in education infrastructure, with more than 100 schools and child and family learning centres (CFLCs) set to receive playground and sports court upgrades.

Minister for Education, Jo Palmer, said the Government has committed $10 million to deliver the upgrades as part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

"Physical activity is essential for healthy development and learning, and we want to make sure our children keep healthy and active," Minister Palmer said.

"Over the next five years, 104 schools and CFLCs across the State will receive playground and sports court upgrades for the benefit of students and local communities.

"Providing the best possible sporting and recreational facilities is critical to supporting positive physical, mental and social development for our students.

Tasmanian Government schools and CFLCs were invited to lodge submissions as part of the Playground and Sports Court Upgrade Program.

The process for assessing submissions considered the asset's condition, the Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) for each site, school improvement and learning outcomes, as well as community usage.

Works will begin as a priority on projects that are shovel ready and have the highest needs.

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