Tasmania's Economic Agenda for Federal Election

Tasmanian Government

Infrastructure, freight, housing and transport are among the key economic priorities for Tasmania's key industries ahead of the upcoming federal election.

Flanked by the Tourism Industry Council Tasmania and the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Premier Jeremy Rockliff unveiled the Team Tasmania 2025 Federal Election Economic Priorities.

Premier Rockliff said the Tasmanian Government has worked side by side with key industries to develop the State's economic priorities.

"We are determined to fight for what Tasmania deserves, and get the best outcome Tasmanians," Premier Rockliff said.

"We are calling on the future Federal Government to get onboard Team Tasmania by investing in our State.

"The Team Tasmania election economic priority list outlines 11 initiatives that - no matter who is in Canberra - we want them to commit to for the future of Tasmania.

"These economic priorities include immediate action on the Freight Equalisation Scheme, developing Bilateral Deals to unlock key economic growth projects, red tape reduction, the Cradle cableway, more housing funding and insurance reforms."

The Tasmanian Government's vision is for Tasmania to be the best place in Australia to live, work, invest, do business and raise a family.

"These economic priorities will ensure we can achieve that and put Tasmania on the map," Premier Rockliff said.

"Through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, we are already taking action on the things that matter most to Tasmanians to ensure our State thrives.

"Now it is time for all sides of federal politics to invest in Tasmania's future prosperity.

"Together with industry, we are united in our push for federal investment in Tasmania's infrastructure pipeline and its people, helping to create jobs and keep the economy strong."

Team Tasmania 2025 Economic Priorities

We are calling on the Federal Government to commit to:

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