Tas Labor
s the first month of 2025 comes to an end, it is indisputable that Premier Rockliff's minority government is bad for jobs, and bad for the economy.
In the last month alone:
- Moody's downgraded Tasmania's credit outlook from stable to negative, following S&P's November downgrade.
- The ABS released figures showing 8,700 full-time Tasmanian jobs have now been lost since Premier Rockliff took his government into minority.
- The CommSec State of the States report highlighted that Tasmania is the only state with negative employment growth and is now bottom of the leaderboard for annual growth rates of the eight economic indicators.
- NAB's monthly business survey showed Tasmania has the worst business confidence in the nation for the second consecutive month.
- Deloitte's Business Outlook forecasts Tasmania will have the weakest economic growth in the nation through to 2030 and confirmed that Tasmania is facing a jobs crisis.
Data on the Tasmanian economy has been consistent across the board - our economy is flatlining and jobs are vanishing at a rapid rate.
Despite crystal clear evidence, the Liberal government continues to act like nothing is wrong. They say that anyone telling the truth about this is just being negative.
Premier Rockliff and his government need to start by admitting that Tasmania's economy is in dire straits, they can't keep pretending the problem doesn't exist.
Josh Willie MP
Shadow Treasurer
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