Tassie Retains Record Low Unemployment Run

Tasmanian Government

The Australian Bureau of Statistics' latest Labour Force data shows Tasmania's unemployment rate remains at 4.0 per cent.

This latest data maintains Tasmania's three-year period of at or below 4.2 per cent unemployment.

Treasurer, Guy Barnett, said the Tasmanian Liberal Government will continue to back jobs, back businesses and back the economy.

"We've welcomed a growing range of positive economic data in 2025, and this is continuing," the Treasurer said.

"This 4.0 per cent unemployment rate, maintained for two months in a row now, is supported by a nation-leading increase in State Final Demand, number one business confidence and record-breaking retail trade.

"Our consumers are confident, our businesses are confident and our economy is growing.

"We're on the right track and through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future we're going to continue to deliver great outcomes for Tasmanians."

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