Tatura Library is now fully refurbished following works and is ready to welcome everyone through its new doors. The new Library is twice the size and includes features such as a dedicated children's area, a multipurpose meeting room, quiet reading areas and an IT zone featuring new computers. The new spaces will provide improved access and much needed space for families, carers and prams.
Works began in January on the $2 million-dollar redevelopment. The redevelopment was funded by a $600,000 grant provided by the Victorian Government through the Living Libraries Infrastructure Program and 1.3 million from Greater Shepparton City Council. Community contributions were made to complete the fit out and furnishing of the new library and to date over $131,000 has been raised including a $100,000 contribution by the Federal Government through the Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Program.
Works involved extending the building by 240m2 creating additional space and improved access to enable the library to provide a quality, modern public library service for the Tatura community. The revitalised library features a new, more welcoming entrance to the library and the Community House.
"Greater Shepparton City Council is pleased to be able to enhance the library services provided to the Tatura community", explains Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Kim O'Keeffe.
"Council understands libraries are fantastic places for the community to enjoy, because they are the hub of the community."
"The redevelopment of the Tatura Library will help meet the growing community needs and for the larger catchment area. The Living Libraries Infrastructure program has been critical to ensure Council has been able to improve the facilities and amenities of Tatura Library for our residents." said Cr O'Keeffe.
"I would also like to thank the Tatura Children's Centre and Tatura Community House, for their support during the works. I'm sure the kids will now enjoy spending time at the library in the new dedicated children's area".
The Tatura Library is now operating out of Casey Street, after being located at a temporary location in Hogan Street during the works.
Goulburn Valley Libraries, CEO, Mr Kevin Preece adds, "We are excited to be able to breathe new life into the Tatura Library and to continue to provide this critical service for the Tatura community.".
"We are now have a fantastic library that works much better for library users and has some terrific new features which will make the experience more enjoyable," said Mr Preece.