TC Alfred Updates

Noosa Council has activated its Local Disaster Coordination Centre as preparations continue for Tropical Cyclone Alfred, which is category 2 system and is moving west towards the southeast Queensland coast.

TC Alfred is forecast to maintain this intensity and is expected to cross the coast early Friday morning, most likely between Maroochydore and Coolangatta.

Update as at 8.30am Wednesday March 5, 2025


Noosa Council will open Noosa Leisure Centre as a place of refuge for residents and visitors who have no other place to go during Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

Residents and visitors are encouraged to seek shelter with friends, family and tourist accommodation where possible, but the Leisure Centre will be available from 9am today (Wednesday) for those unable to do so.

Pets are welcome but leads or cages are required to keep them contained.

The Leisure Centre will operate 24/7 until no longer required.

Noosa Leisure Centre is at 9 Wallace Drive Noosaville.


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