Teen Charged - Operation Soteria

A teenager will appear in court tomorrow charged with property and traffic offences in the Lake Macquarie area.

Officers from Lake Macquarie Police District have been conducting inquiries in relation to the alleged theft of more than $1500 of alcohol from an Edgeworth bottle shop in April 2024 and the theft of petrol and traffic offences at an Edgeworth petrol station in March 2025.

About 10am today (Wednesday 19 March 2025), officers attached to Operation Soteria attended a Charlestown shopping centre in response to information from the public.

A 15-year-old boy was arrested and taken to Belmont Police Station where he was charged with minor enter/remain in packaged liquor licence area, shoplifting, three counts of drive unlicensed, two counts of rider without helmet ride with 1 passenger without helmet, dishonestly obtain property by deception, drive conveyance taken without consent of owner, and commit s 154A offence & disseminate.

The teen was refused bail to appear at a children's court tomorrow (Thursday 20 March 2025).

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