Teen Nabbed on Warrants in Operation Soteria

A teenage boy will face court charged following an investigation into alleged break and enters, vehicle thefts and other offences in the state's north.

Officers attached to New England Police District have been conducting inquiries into the alleged offences which are alleged to have occurred in the Moree area between December 2023 and January 2024.

These reported incidents include aggravated break and enter while armed, robbery, and vehicle theft.

About 5.45pm yesterday (Sunday 23 March 2025) investigators attached to Operation Soteria attended an address in Moree, after receiving information a 17-year-old boy wanted on three outstanding warrants was in the home.

When he allegedly refused to leave the premises, police forced entry and arrested the teen.

He was taken to Moree Police Station where the warrants were executed, and he was refused bail to appear at a Children's Court today (Monday 24 March 2024).

Investigations under Operation Soteria continue.

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