Telereach Poll Shows Trumpet Of Patriots Key To Future Government

United Australia Party

Media release

Telereach poll shows Trumpet of Patriots key to future government

A new Telereach poll has revealed that if a Federal Election were held today, both The Coalition and Labor would need the support of a party like the Trumpet of Patriots to govern.

The poll posed the question: Would you vote for a party with Trump-like policies?

The results showed strong national support:

  • Brisbane: 34% Yes, 18% Unsure
  • Sydney: 25% Yes, 20% Unsure
  • Melbourne: 29% Yes, 20% Unsure
  • Adelaide: 26% Yes, 19% Unsure

Trumpet of Patriots chairman and spokesperson Clive Palmer said the poll results demonstrated that Australians were looking for a strong, common-sense approach to reinvigorate the nation.

"Australia needs decisive leadership and policies that put the country first," Mr. Palmer said.

"Trump-like policies are essential to securing Australia's future, and that is exactly what the Trumpet of Patriots will deliver."

Please CLICK HERE to view survey.

/Media release issued by United Australia Party. Opinions expressed by the issuing organisations are their own. See link to the original below.. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.