Telling co-workers you're unwell in times of COVID-19

Monash University

As Australians are urged to change the culture of "soldiering on" while sick, early results of a new survey by Monash University has found how likely people are to conceal symptoms of COVID-19 from their employer, coworker, family and friends.

Preliminary analysis of more than 1,500 responses of the online survey indicates that 24 per cent of respondents are likely to conceal a cough from people at their place of work, 13 per cent are likely to conceal a fever, 50 per cent to conceal sneezing and 65 per cent diarrhoea.

The Monash School of Primary and Allied Health Care, led by Professor Terry Haines, launched the survey last month to uncover who is most likely to conceal common symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough and fever, as well as unrelated symptoms such as sneezing and diarrhea.

"One in four survey respondents are indicating that they would be unlikely or extremely unlikely to notify relevant people at their place of work if they develop a cough. This number drops to one in eight if the symptom developed is a fever, however, this still represents a concerning number of people who may be undertaking work while ill and not notifying their employer, family or friends" Professor Haines said.

Surprisingly, people in more insecure modes of employment, such as casual workers, are not more likely to conceal their illness than those in permanent employment with access to sick leave.

When compared to respondents who work in other sectors, results have shown that healthcare workers are setting the example for everyone, with respondents showing 40 per cent lower odds of concealing a cough or fever symptoms from relevant people at their place of work.

Professor Haines said that as Australia begins to loosen its social distancing restrictions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of re-emergence of the virus remains ever present. It is crucial to the health of Australia and each individual returning to work to play their part in restricting the spread of the COVID-19 by staying home when sick, he said.

"We don't know who could contract COVID-19 next. So we need to have a mindset that everyone we deal with at work is a potential patient or has a close contact at home who could become one," Professor Haines said.

"We have a responsibility to show care for those people. It is OK to let people at work know that you are not OK, regardless of whether you are a casual employee, a volunteer, a CEO, or a Prime Minister.".

The survey is ongoing and covers a number of topics related to COVID-19 such as the sources of information that have influenced decisions, such as social media platforms, people's understanding of social distancing and isolation, and the Australian Government COVIDSafe app.

Researchers are keen for more younger and older adults to participate in the survey, to help them understand differences in views across the community.

To participate in the survey, please click here.

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