Wentworth Shire
The 9:30am bridge lift for the Wentworth Bridge on Wednesday 12 March 2025 will be moved to 10:15am for a once off event. The lift will only be affected for this particular lift, returning to normal for the 11:30am and 2:30pm lifts.

Normal Bridge Lift Times (Wentworth Bridge and Abbotsford Bridge)
Monday - Friday | Weekends and Public Holidays |
9:30 am 11:30 am 2:30 pm |
9:30 am 11:30 am 2:30 pm 5:00 pm |
When booking, the following information is required:
- Date and time required
- Bridge to be lifted
- Caller's name and mobile phone number
- Captain's name and mobile phone number
- Vessel Name
- Vessel Height (very important)
Please note, a minimum of 4 hours notice is required
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