Territory Businesses Shine At Australian Tourism Awards

NT Government

Eight Northern Territory tourism and events organisations took home national awards at the 2024 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards in Adelaide last night.

A total of 22 finalists represented the Territory on the national stage, reinforcing the Territory's position as a must-visit travel destination in Australia.

Bringing home gold was Katherine Outback Experience in the Tourist Attractions category for a third time, and Darwin Festival in Major Festivals and Events for a second time.

Silver award winners were SEIT Tours for Cultural Tourism, Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia - Wintjiri Wiṟu for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tourism Experiences category, Safari Lodge Motel for 3-3.5 Star Accommodation, and Darwin Convention Centre in the hotly contested Business Event Venues category.

Bronze was awarded to Uluru Audio Guide for Tourism Retail, Hire and Services for a second time, and award newcomer NT Driver Guide - Escorted Touring in the New Tourism Business category.

Representing the Northern Territory were the business category winners from the 2024 Brolga Awards, the Territory's official tourism awards program.

Minister for Tourism and Hospitality Marie-Clare Boothby said: "This is a huge win for the Territory and highlights the exceptional quality of our tourism and hospitality industry."

"To have representation of such variety from across the whole Territory shows the calibre of the tourism and hospitality operators we have here," she said.

Ms Boothby said local businesses representing the Territory interstate for award ceremonies increased visibility on a national level, and the government would continue supporting tourism and hospitality businesses.

"Under Labor, we saw a downturn in visitation, and we are taking action to turn this around to bring tourists back to our regions," said Ms Boothby.

"Increasing visitation goes further than boosting tourist numbers; it creates work for our local tourism operators, retailers and hospitality industry.

"We will not accept the status quo for our tourism and hospitality industry, and with our work to reduce crime, rebuild the economy and restore our lifestyle, we will put the Territory back on the map as a top choice for tourists.

"We've already made headway in this space, including new flight routes for the Top End and Central Australia, launching our Military Tourism plan, and new leaders for our tourism and events.

"Congratulations to all our local winners at the 2024 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards, everyone who was in the running, and all those nominated for our 2024 Brolga Awards."

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