Public transport users in Adelaide's north-east will soon be enjoying a faster and simpler trip into the city with major construction works on the new $33 million Golden Grove Park 'n' Ride now complete.
The project was fully funded by the Marshall Liberal government and supported 150 full-time equivalent jobs over the construction period.
The new Park 'n' Ride facility on The Grove Way provides just over 450 car parking spaces across three levels, including 10 accessible car parks for people with a disability and provision for secure bicycle storage.
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Corey Wingard said it was a key priority to build new and improved Park 'n' Ride facilities for people in the north east and that promise has been delivered.
"This is a fantastic result for the people of the north-eastern suburbs as it means more convenient and safer access to public transport services like the O-Bahn," Minister Wingard said.
"This project forms part of our massive $17.9 billion investment in infrastructure across the state as we build what really matters to South Australians.
"Investing in Park 'n' Rides has been a key plank of my government's plan to deliver a better public transport network by providing better connectivity between modes of transport and localities."
The new car park is expected to be open for use in March following the completion of minor finishing and asphalt works, landscaping and final commissioning.
"The newly-constructed, multi-level Golden Grove Park 'n' Ride increases parking capacity near the Golden Grove Bus Interchange from 177 off-street parks to just over 450 spaces, enhancing vehicle security and reducing the potential for parking to overflow into nearby streets," Minister Wingard said.
"The upgrade is addressing significant concerns raised by those living in the north east about the number of spaces available and the security of parked cars.
"Thanks to the advocacy of Member for King Paula Luethen commuters will soon have access to a wonderful new facility that will make a tangible difference to their daily lives."
Along with the construction of the multi-level car park building, the project involved an upgrade of the adjacent junction of The Grove Way and Marie Clark Drive into a signalised, four-way intersection and construction of a new access road around the Park 'n' Ride.
Member for King Paula Luethen said the new Park 'n' Ride facility was a huge win for the community.
"The most common question I am asked about the new Park 'n' Ride is if it is free and people are so happy when I say yes," she said.
"They are also pleased that the new facility will take parking away from our local back streets and make the drop off to our local Golden Grove High School safer and easier."
Kiss 'n' Go spaces have also been provided on the new access road, including at the Park 'n' Ride and adjacent Golden Grove High School, to provide a safe place for vehicles to pull over and drop off school students and commuters so they can get where they need to go.
The remaining minor works will require intermittent lane closures and speed restrictions.