That's Not What Is Safe To Flush?

Kempsey Shire Council

Recently, our team tackled a severe sewer blockage, pulling out a fence post, barbed wire, and a tangled mess of non-flushable wipes, all jammed in a single 300mm pipe. Clearing it was costly, time-consuming, and disrupted local homes.

This is not just a Kempsey problem of course – sewer blockages can be found everywhere where there are flushing toilets and pipes. But what can we do as Kempsey residents to reduce the costs, disruption and overall ick factor of these blockages?

Enter Plum! Plum the Kangaroo is on a mission to teach kids (and their grown ups!) what should (and shouldn't!) be flushed down the toilet in Kempsey Shire Council's very own fun and educational book, That's Not Poo!

Plum bounces around the bathroom, holding up various non-flushable items commonly found in sewer and septic blockages, such as wet wipes, earbuds, dental floss, a nappy, tissues, food and even broken things, asking if they can flushed down the toilet. Of course, the answer is NO.

As a special celebration of the launch of That's Not Poo! we are holding a colouring competition, where we're inviting kids across the Shire to bring Plum's world to life with colour!

How to Enter

  • Download the official colouring-in sheet from the Kempsey Shire Council website or find it in your rates notice:
  • Colour it in however you like—crayons, markers, pencils, glitter—go wild!
  • Drop off your masterpiece at Council's Customer Services, 22 Tozer Street, West Kempsey, between 9am and 4:30pm.
  • Entries Close: Friday, 28 February 2025 (4:30 PM sharp!)


  • 1st Prize: $50 Big W voucher
  • 2nd Prize: $30 Big W voucher
  • 3rd Prize: $20 Big W voucher

This delightful educational book is now available for free at all our libraries, in our library van, and at customer service. Pick up a colouring-in sheet while you're at it – who would have thought learning about poo would be so much fun!

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