Third Man Charged in Education Scam by Crime Squad

Financial Crime Squad detectives have charged a third man over alleged fraud and corruption offences against the NSW Department of Education under Strike Force Heidi.

Strike Force Heidi was established in April 2024 by State Crime Command's Financial Crime Squad, with assistance from the NSW Department of Education, to investigate the allegation a school employee was mis-managing funds intended for maintenance and building works at schools in Guildford and Revesby.

During the investigation, it was identified the employee had assistance from another man known to him, who was the director of a building company, and helped facilitate the fraudulent claims.

In December 2024, police charged two men who remain before the courts.

Further investigations revealed a third man was also involved in creating inflated invoices for minor building and maintenance work.

About 9.10am yesterday (Wednesday 5 March 2025), a 55-year-old man was arrested at Bankstown Police Station.

The man was charged with dishonestly obtain financial advantage etc by deception and 26 counts of corruptly give/offer to agent benefit >$ 2000 & <=$ 5000.

He was granted conditional bail to appear in Parramatta Local Court on Thursday 3 April 2025.

Police will allege in court between November 2021 and November 2022, the man helped inflate invoices to the value of $622,000, which was fraudulently claimed from the Department of Education.

The man received approximately $352,262 of the fraudulently obtained funds.

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