Third Mosquito-Borne Virus Case Confirmed in N. WA

WA Health is warning the community that a new case of encephalitis caused by a mosquito-borne flavivirus has been reported in the Pilbara, suspected to be Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE).

Two cases of MVE have already been reported in northern Western Australia (WA) this year, one each from the Kimberley and Pilbara regions.

The latest case is an adult who was exposed to infected mosquitoes in the west Pilbara and remains in hospital.

Department of Health Managing Scientist Dr Andrew Jardine urged local community members and travellers to be on alert for mosquito bites across northern WA.

"MVE can be a deadly virus, and sadly, one person has died from MVE in WA already this year," Dr Jardine said.

"We are seeing ongoing mosquito and virus activity in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions.

"Initial symptoms of MVE include severe headache, fever, drowsiness, stiff neck, nausea, dizziness and seizures. In young children, fever might be the only early sign of infection."

Anyone with these symptoms, particularly following a mosquito bite, should seek urgent medical advice.

Dr Jardine said the northern wet season, and the period immediately following it, are the highest risk periods for mosquito-borne disease activity in northern WA and urged the public to take health warnings seriously.

Community members can protect against mosquito bites by following these steps:

Cover up:

  • Avoid being outdoors at dawn and early evening when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Wear long, loose fitting, light-coloured clothing.
  • Dress babies and children in suitable clothing, including socks/shoes, and use bed/pram netting.
  • Ensure insect screens are installed and in good condition on houses and caravans.
  • Use mosquito nets and mosquito-proof tents if sleeping outside.


  • Apply an effective personal mosquito repellent containing diethyltoluamide (DEET), picaridin or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (also known as PMD) evenly to all areas of exposed skin and always follow the label instructions.

Clean up:

  • Keep grass and other vegetation short to help prevent mosquitoes around your home.
  • Empty or remove water holding containers around your home.
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