Threat-Sharing Network Bolsters Healthcare Cybersecurity

Department of Home Affairs

The Albanese Government is investing $6.4 million to launch an Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (ISAC) for the Australian healthcare system. 

In Australia and around the world, these networks, which connect businesses and organisations across industries to help share information about cyber threats, as well as successful responses and preventative measures, have proven effective.

There are already mature ISACs operating in banking and finance in Australia, but the Albanese Government has acknowledged that government intervention to kick-start networks in other high-risk sectors is long overdue.

This pilot in healthcare is the first such intervention, but it will pave the way for additional ISACs to be established in other industries.

Applications to receive this grant are open until 23 July 2024.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security Clare O'Neil:

"The last two years has been the beginning of a big, overdue national journey to lift up cybersecurity across the country to better protect our citizens.

"Healthcare faces a vulnerability trifecta. Cyber criminals know that every Australian depends on these essential services - and that they cannot afford to be offline over extended periods. Healthcare providers tend to hold highly sensitive data, and they often struggle with building and funding strong cyber protections.

"That's why healthcare providers are one of the most common, and most damaging, targets of cyber attack. This is a pattern we see all over the world.

"Make no mistake - we expect Australian healthcare providers to step up and protect our citizens wherever possible. But government, too, needs to give them a hand."

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