Three Dalyellup residents are facing animal cruelty charges over an emaciated nine-month-old dog.
A 42-year-old woman, her 26-year-old-daughter and the daughter's 36-year-old partner have each been accused of failing to provide the puppy with sufficient food and failing to take him to a vet for health conditions.
RSPCA WA received a report in July about the sick and emaciated brindle puppy.
Inspectors attended the property and saw the shar-pei cross in a small fenced off area which contained a large amount of faeces and rubbish. They could see the outline of his hips, ribs and spine and he appeared to have a condition with his eyes which had a build-up of discharge.
Despite working with the accused to help them better care for the dog, including providing food, flea and worming treatment and advice on how to clean his eyes, the puppy's condition did not improve, and he was not taken to see a vet as directed.
The dog was seized by RSPCA WA and taken to a vet who determined he was severely underweight.
He was also found to be suffering a rare and potentially life-threatening ear and temporal bone disease, and he had painful breed-related health issues including dermatitis and a painful eye condition that occurs when the eyelid rolls inward.
The dog continues to recover in RSPCA WA foster care.
The accused have been charged under sections 19(1), 19 (3)(d) and 19(3)(h) of the Animal Welfare Act 2002.
RSPCA WA will allege they failed to provide the dog with sufficient food and that he suffered harm which could have been alleviated by the accused taking reasonable steps.
The 42-year-old woman has also been charged with not complying with a direction under section 47(3) of the Act, the maximum penalty for which is a $20,000 fine and one year in prison.
All three are scheduled to appear in the Bunbury Magistrates Court on 16 January.
The maximum penalty for a charge of animal cruelty is a $50,000 fine and five years in prison.
The RSPCA relies on the community to report incidents of suspected cruelty and neglect. Report cruelty 24/7 on 1300 CRUELTY (1300 278 358) or at