Three Drink Drivers Nabbed In Doncaster East

It's been a busy night for officers operating a random breath testing site in Doncaster East.

Officers first waved in two men in separate vehicles at the site on Reynolds Road about 6.30pm.

The men each undertook a preliminary breath test, before both undertaking evidentiary breath tests.

The first man, a 28-year-old from the Yarra Junction area, returned an alleged reading of .130.

The second man, a 28-year-old from Mount Evelyn, returned an alleged reading of .184.

Both men had their licences immediately suspended and both cars were impounded for 30 days at a cost of $983

A short time later, officers waved in a 31-year-old woman for testing.

She undertook a preliminary breath test, before undertaking an evidentiary breath test and returning an alleged reading of .122.

The Donvale woman's car was impounded for 30 days at a cost of $983, and her licence was immediately suspended.

The trio are expected to be charged on summons with traffic related offences.

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