The Translation Team Science Awards (TTSA) program provides funds to new teams of both basic scientists and clinicians working to initiate innovative translational pilot projects aimed at building the infrastructure for future grant funding. Phase 1 teams are awarded $50,000 over a 12-month period to begin to fully engage team members in the development of a project and are eligible to submit a proposal for additional TTSA Phase 2 funding ($75,000/1 year) upon the completion of Phase 1. The SOM Office of Research and NCTraCS jointly administer the program and are pleased to announce the most recent awards to the following three teams.
2021-22 TTSA Phase 1 Recipients
Johanna Smeekens, PhD (Assistant Professor, Pediatrics) & Scott Commins, MD, PhD (Associate Professor, Medicine, School of Medicine)
"Early-life Th2-skewing as a risk factor for allergic sensitizations"
Silvia Kreda, PhD (Associate Professor, Medicine & Biochemistry), Margaret Leigh, MD (Professor, Pediatrics) & Lawrence Ostrowski, PhD (Professor, Pediatrics)
"Oligonucleotide-Based Therapy and Precision Medicine Platform for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia"
Brandi Reeves, MD (Assistant Professor, Medicine/Hematology) & Rafal Pawlinski, PhD (Professor, Medicine/Hematology, School of Medicine)
"Hypoxia Inducible Factors alpha in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm-Associated Thrombosis"