Port workers in Lyttleton are warning that a proposal to cut jobs at the port will lead to more workplace deaths. The Government is doubling the number of nurse practitioners able to train in GP clinics, to 120 every year. They have also announced plans to lower the age for free bowel cancer screening for all New Zealanders by "redirecting" money previously set aside to lower the age to 50 for Māori and Pacific people.
Union coverage
- CTU: Business says 'bye' to Adrian Orr
- NZEI: 'We are solving them': David Seymour on school lunch problems
- MUNZ: Lyttelton Port job cuts will cost lives, workers warn
- Government doubles nurse practitioner training placements in GP clinics
- KiwiRail has 'too many layers' between ship crew and CEO, ministers told
- Bowel cancer free screening age lowered to 58
- Regulation looms for at-home medical tests
- Finnish shipbuilders could build Cook Strait ferries, ambassador says
- Education Minister's school lunches meeting with David Seymour delayed again
- Simeon Brown appointed prominent oil, gas lobbyist to energy savings board against official advice
- New Consumer Affairs Minister Scott Simpson hands off supermarket decisions over conflict
- Reserve Bank board chair says governor Adrian Orr made a 'personal decision' to resign
Te Ao Māori
- Waitangi Tribunal member Richard Prebble resigns
- Prebble's resignation from Waitangi Tribunal leaves lawyer with 'a sour taste in my mouth'
- Tariff wars: Trade minister plans to 'make the case' on relationship with US counterparts
- Housing downturn over, Corelogic says
- Donald Trump's tariffs will be 'pretty ugly' for KiwiSavers, providers warn
- Finally, our Prime Minister's values revealed
- Tumultuous world demands we double down on our independence
- Anne Salmond: To lecture us on Te Tiriti, you must first be able to read it
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