Local children have the chance to lead Camden Council with the annual Mayor for a Day Public Speaking competition coming soon.
As part of Local Government Week celebrations, all primary schools within the Camden area are invited to nominate a deserving Year 6 student to represent their school and put together a three-minute speech about why they would like to be the Mayor of Camden and what they would do for Camden.
The speeches will be judged on a range of factors including:
- Presentation of the speech;
- Knowledge of local government;
- Knowledge of Camden; and
- Ideas to make our area a better place.
Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, the competition will be held online this year, with students to film their speeches and send them into Council staff.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said she was eagerly awaiting to listen to how local children see the Camden area.
"We have so many intelligent and talented local children and it is my honour to be able to listen to their speeches as part of the Mayor for a Day competition," Cr Fedeli said.
"This is their chance to truly share what they would do for the Camden area and what impact their decisions would make for the community.
"I encourage you all to put together the best speech you can and am looking forward to the competition."
Students will need to submit their videos no later than Friday 30 July.
For more information on the Mayor for a Day competition, go to camden.nsw.gov.au