Orange workplaces are being urged to plan ahead this year and make use of a local scheme to send their staff home safely in taxis.
The Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Program want employees and employers to enjoy the freedom of the annual get together after what has been a difficult year for all.
The annual taxi voucher scheme has begun for workplaces to register their staff Christmas party to go in the draw for free $10 taxi vouchers.

SAFETY: Orange-Cabonne Road Safety Officer, Andrea Hamilton-Vaughan an Orange Taxi Co-op Director George Witty launched the annual road safety campaign
Orange Mayor Jason Hamling is encouraging local businesses to make the most of the opportunity as end-of-year gatherings are planned.
"I'm sure local workplace teams are already booking their venue and sorting out what to do with food this year," Cr Jason Hamling said. "But it's just an important to plan ahead to make sure all the staff can leave their car keys at home."
"We all know how drinking impairs judgement, not only when you're behind the wheel, but also when you're deciding whether you're able to get behind the wheel.
"If workplaces can make a plan to get staff home safely, that can eliminate the possibility of one bad decision that change lives."
Road Safety Officer Andrea Hamilton-Vaughan said the strategy was aimed at assisting employers to meet their work health and safety obligations to get their staff home safely when alcohol has been served.
"If a driver fails a random breath test and has been involved in a crash, regardless of whether it is deemed to be the driver's fault or not, the vehicle's insurance is null and void," Andrea Hamilton-Vaughan said.
"Every single glass of alcohol affects your driving. It reduces your ability to judge speed and distance, gives the driver a false sense of confidence and there's an increased tendency to take risks at a time when you have reduced coordination and concentration.
"This annual program has not attracted a government grant this year but I'm delighted the Taxi Co-op of Orange has made the decision to support the safety of the community and fund the program alone."
Orange Mayor Jason Hamling has thanked the Taxi Co-op for their contribution of around $4,500 to the scheme this year.
"This is a local program that makes a practical difference to community safety and it's great that the taxi drivers of Orange are pitching in to subsidise the cost of getting local resident home safely."
Over the last ten years, the local Taxi Co-Op has contributed around $40,000 to the scheme, making sure around twenty thousand passengers reached their destination safely.
Local workplaces can register online to go into the draw for up to ten x $10 taxi vouchers.
Register your workplace Christmas Party here.
The post Time to plan ahead for this year's Christmas party appeared first on Orange City Council.