Time To Renew Your WorkCover Accident Insurance Policy 1 July

If you have an accident insurance policy with WorkCover Queensland, which covers your business for work-related injuries to your workers, it's time to renew.

Key dates

  • Renewal due date: 31 August 2024
  • Early payment discount: Pay in full by 16 September to receive a discount**

What you need to do

You must declare your wages information to us by 31 August 2024, so we can calculate your 2024-25 premium.

Use our Declaration of wages guide for assistance, or follow the step-by-step help when renewing online.

Make sure to renew on time to take full advantage of flexible payment options*, including:

  • interest-free monthly payment plans with deductions occurring on the date of your choice*
  • a discount** if you pay your premium in full by 16 September.

*Some discounts and payment options, including the apprentice discount, will not be available if you do not declare your wages by 31 August 2024.

**Discounted premium price cannot go below $200.

Interim Certificate of Insurance

You will have received an Interim Certificate of Insurance via email, covering you from 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024.

If you don't receive electronic communications from us or need another copy, download it anytime:

Full coverage requirements

To be covered for the full 12 months (until 30 June 2025) and receive your full Certificate of Currency, you must pay your premium or commit to a payment plan.

Save time - renew online!

Make sure to renew on time to take full advantage of our flexible payment options and discounts. For more details, visit our website

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