Are you eager to play a critical role in shaping the future of Greater Shepparton? Do you believe you can contribute to decision making that will benefit the wellbeing and economic prosperity of our community? Then now is the time to put your hand up to take on one of the most important leadership opportunities in Australia that enables you to make a difference.

In Summary
- Council invites potential candidates to learn about standing for council through the Municipal Association of Victoria's Stand for Council campaign.
- A First Nations Stand for Council Community Information Session will be held on Thursday 30 May 2024, welcoming all potential candidates to attend.
- The Stand for Council campaign aims to support a diverse range of candidates, including First Nations and new and emerging communities, in understanding the responsibilities and commitments of a Councillor.
- Interested individuals can register for information sessions and access resources through the MAV website or the Greater Shepparton City Council website.
Councils are the closest level of government to community. To represent their communities successfully, Councils need well credentialed, experienced and passionate candidates to put their hand up for this year's Council elections.
Greater Shepparton City Council is calling community leaders, business people and potential candidates to get informed about what it means to be a Councillor through the Municipal Association of Victoria's (MAV) Stand for Council campaign.
To support potential candidates, Greater Shepparton City Council in partnership with the MAV is hosting regional-based information sessions, including one in Greater Shepparton, to provide information and inspiration.
Council will be hosting a First Nations Stand for Council Community Information Session on Thursday 30 May 2024 from 6.30pm to 8.00pm at Riverlinks Eastbank, Function Room 1, 70 Welsford Street, Shepparton. While this session is to support members of our First Nations community who are considering standing for Council, all potential candidates are welcome to attend.
Potential candidates are encouraged to attend in person or join online to hear from Cr Yvonne Weldon AM, City of Sydney, and Cr Barrie Winmar, City of Kwinana, Western Australia about why they chose to stand for council and their experiences of being a Councillor. The session will also provide important information about the upcoming local government elections as well as support available to Councillors once elected.
The MAV will also be hosting several information sessions across Victoria, for potential candidates to attend in-person or online. Interested participants are able to register to attend more than one session, including outside of their municipality. There will be three sessions held in Goulburn Ovens Murray:
- Tuesday 11 June: Goulburn Ovens Murray – Host: Strathbogie Shire Council
- Wednesday 12 June: Goulburn Ovens Murray – Host: Mitchell Shire Council
- Thursday 13 June: Goulburn Ovens Murray – Host: Wangaratta Rural City Council
The MAV will also be providing a Citizen to Councillor Guide 2024 – a guide for prospective candidates to further understand the roles and responsibilities of a Councillor and the importance of this elected position. This will be made available in the coming months.
Greater Shepparton City Council CEO, Fiona Le Gassick, said the importance of strong local leadership could not be understated.
"Greater Shepparton City Council has a proud history of community and business representatives stepping up to take on the role of Councillor. The MAV Stand for Council sessions are critical for anyone considering running for Council as they assist candidates in understanding the level of commitment and responsibility that Councillors have within the community," she said.
"Attending a MAV Stand for Council session is the first step in understanding if standing for Council is for you."
MAV CEO, Kelly Grisby, said the MAV Stand for Council campaign is designed to encourage and support a diverse range of candidates from across the Victorian community including first nations, and new and emerging communities.
"If you are thinking of nominating for council as a candidate, these sessions and resources will help you to further consider the broad responsibilities of a Councillor, the wide range of issues you will be required to make decisions about and the time commitment," she said.
To register for the First Nations Stand for Council Community Information Session, visit