TLDMG Urges Residents To Be Cautious Following Rain

Residents are being reminded to drive to conditions and be aware of debris and displaced wildlife as rain eases across the Townsville area.

TLDMG Chair Andrew Robinson said significant rainfall across Townsville had caused road closures and localised flooding.

"There are significant road closures due to water over roads, so residents should adhere to road closure signs and be careful while driving. There may be debris on roads, so be sure to pay attention while driving," Cr Robinson said.

"Wildlife may be displaced due to the rainfall, so be cautious of snakes, spiders, mice and rats in backyards and suburban areas.

"At this point we need residents to keep monitoring conditions and staying up to date through the Townsville Disaster Dashboard and the Townsville Disaster Information Facebook page.

"The Ross River Dam is currently undertaking a controlled release in accordance with the approved Emergency Action Plan. The Ross River is closed to sport and recreation users for safety reasons. Council will update river users when the river is open to public."

For non-life threatening emergencies, call the SES (State Emergency Service) on 132 500. For life-threatening emergencies call Triple Zero.

To stay up to date visit the Emergency Management and Disaster Dashboard, listen to local radio or phone 13 48 10.

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