The Joint Meeting for Selection of Head of National University Corporation Institute of Science Tokyo (hereinafter "the Joint Meeting"), as prescribed in Article 5, paragraph 2 of the Rules on Selection of Head of National University Corporation Institute of Science Tokyo (Decision of Chairperson of the Joint Meeting on February 22, 2024), has selected the second-round candidates from the group of first-round candidates based on a screening of their statements of intent, etc. Accordingly, we hereby announce their names, affiliations, job titles, statements of intent, etc. as follows.
Second-round candidates
The second-round candidates are as follows (in Japanese alphabetical order)
Naoto Ohtake
Professor, Director-General, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Naoto Ohtake ,statement of intent, biography, etc.(Japanese)
Yujiro Tanaka
President, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Yujiro Tanaka ,statement of intent, biography, etc.(Japanese)
Kazuya Masu
President, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kazuya Masu ,statement of intent, biography, etc.(Japanese)