Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology welcomed 201 new students into the community at its 2023 entrance ceremony, held on April 6 on Tamachi Campus. In addition to faculty and staff, joining the celebrations were the students' guardians, who were able to join the ceremony in person for the first time in four years.
During his welcome speech, Principal Shigeki Nakagawa encouraged the school's newest students to acquire the ability to understand science, technology, and different ways of thinking, and to actively embrace the challenge of solving various problems. "I have great expectations for all of you, and I hope you can contribute to the development of both Japan and the world," he said. "The difficult situation caused by COVID-19 seems to be nearing its end, and I wish all new students the best of luck at our school. Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology provides an excellent environment for you to spend your high school life in an enjoyable and meaningful way," Nakagawa added.
Tokyo Tech President Kazuya Masu also spoke at the ceremony, commending the students for persevering, studying hard, and enrolling in the school despite the obstacles posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. "At Tokyo Tech, we believe it is important to take on any challenge without fear of failure. I would like to share this vision with all of you, the newest students of Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology," Masu stated.
The Institute's Executive Vice President for Education Jun-ichi Imura, Executive Vice President for Administration Haruo Minatoya, and other special guests were also present to welcome the new students to the school.
After brief homeroom teacher introductions by Vice Principal Kasetsu Kamimura, the ceremony concluded with a student representative taking the traditional oath for first-year students. "Constant dripping wears away the stone," the student rep stated, referring to an idiom suggesting that persistence pays off.
The entire Tokyo Tech community sends its warm congratulations to all new students as they begin their exciting paths of knowledge and discovery.