Toowoomba Regional Council to investigate permit parking solutions

Improving parking throughout the Toowoomba CBD remains a priority for Council.

Following the implementation of a one-hour parking trial in the CBD, Council has continued its efforts by passing a motion to investigate the opportunity of introducing permit style parking at under-utilised all day parking locations in the CBD.

TRC Infrastructure Services portfolio leader Cr James O'Shea said this was another step in the right direction for Council as it explored options that work for both customers and businesses.

"We understand the issues with parking and realise there isn't a one size that fits all type of solution," he said.

"This is complex issue which requires Council to look at a number of possibilities, including the long-term parking options we currently have in the CBD.

"Data indicates there are a number of long-term parking facilities which aren't being used to their full potential.

"We need to understand why this is the case and identify ways to encourage people to use these long-term parking options more effectively.

"To do this Council will investigate how permit style parking could work at all day parking locations in appropriate areas of the CBD and bring this report back to Council for consideration in September.

"A business may be more inclined to set up in the CBD if they know their employees may have better access to a number of parking areas across the CBD.

"This could include short/medium-term permits and may be a feasible option that supports increasing turnover of parking in our CBD and encourages business confidence in our Region.

"This investigation flows on from the work we are currently doing with our one-hour parking trial in the CBD which began on 5 August and our current review of our CBD carparking strategy."