Top Environment Group Applauds Household Battery Backing

Nature Conservation Council

May 24th 2024

The Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales (NCC), the state's leading environmental advocacy organisation, has today welcomed the announcement of new incentives for household batteries.

Households with solar panels will be able to receive between $1600 to $2400 off the installation costs of household batteries under changes to the Peak Demand Reduction Scheme.

"With NSW leading the way on rooftop solar this is a key piece of the renewable puzzle and will save households money and decrease grid demand in peak times," said NCC climate campaigner Eve Altman.

"In the wake of the Eraring extension it's important that the government is taking all steps possible to ensure reliability through the accelerated build of renewables.

"Investment in household battery is going to be critical to our future energy mix. It increases reliability for both the household and the grid, and will save households money on up-front installation and energy bills.

"We look forward to an ambitious consumer energy strategy and more incentives to help households enjoy the benefits of clean energy and lower bills.

"Alongside batteries, demand responsive heat pumps are a leading way to reduce greenhouse emissions and household costs.

"We look forward to seeing more announcements in the future to ensure we are getting to 100% reliable renewables as fast as possible."

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