The journey of social ascent from the hayfields of a low-income farming family to the realms of academia inspired Professor of Nutrition Maijaliisa 'Maikki' Erkkola to popularise research and study inequality. Her years of dedication were recognised on 26 March with the J.V. Snellman Award.
Erkkola's path to becoming a distinguished professor has been far from typical. Her vocational studies at a home economics teacher training college in Jyväskylä led her to a career in teaching.
"Astute questions from my students ignited a desire for more knowledge, and I ended up studying nutrition and educational sciences, which eventually pulled me in," says Erkkola, now professor of nutrition.
Having conducted versatile research in recent years, Erkkola's most high-profile role has involved chairing the working group that drew up the official Finnish nutrition recommendations. These seek to guide Finns' eating habits in a healthier and more environmentally sustainable direction. As is typical of nutrition-related research findings, the recommendations have attracted much attention and elicited criticism as well.
"Our food choices express not only our resources of knowledge, skills, time and finances, but also our values, attitudes and emotions. This is why research findings in nutrition science often touch on deeper issues, triggering emotional reactions," says Erkkola.
Cold-cut recommendations spark controversy
The public uproar following the publication of the latest recommendations in November 2024 escalated to such an extent, particularly on social media, that some in the media dubbed it 'cold-cut fury'. The outcry was particularly strong over the recommendation to limit red meat consumption to 350 grams per week. Social media discussions were heated, with the recommendation authors coming under fire.
Despite the harsh and occasionally personal attacks, Erkkola remains undeterred - if anything, she is more vocal. She tirelessly appears in the media giving interviews and on social media popularising research and making scholarly work more accessible to the public. She likewise urges young researchers to communicate confidently and offers her support.
"With the rise of anti-science rhetoric and challenges to the independence of research, it is especially important for us researchers to influence which voices are amplified," she stresses.
"We have a responsibility to present our research findings accessibly to the public. Our major goal is to use our findings to address shortcomings and enhance both human and environmental wellbeing."
Recommendations encourage healthier choices
Finns' eating habits have changed dramatically over the past decades. Erkkola notes that the consumption of vegetables, berries and fruit has quadrupled from the early 1950s. However, energy intake exceeds consumption, and a major shift towards plant-based diets is essential to support health and lessen the environmental harm of our food choices.
"Additionally, health disparities exist across the population. I hope that particularly men and those with lower levels of education could take the leap toward eating more in line with recommendations. While all strategies must be employed, I strongly believe in the power of food services such as school and workplace canteens. It's also important that food industry and retailers support individuals in making food choices in line with the recommendations," she continues.
For Erkkola, the appeal of nutrition science lies in its proximity to everyday life: each of us eats to live. Yet, food is much more than just nutrition.
As a professor of nutrition, what food does Erkkola herself enjoy?
"I'm a plant-oriented omnivore who sees nature as a rich source of delicacies such as freshwater fish, mushrooms and wild berries. Food brings me joy, and I express my care for my friends and family by sharing memorable culinary experiences with them. There's nothing better than coming together to cook and eat," she states.