Tough Laws To Tackle Knife Crime

SA Gov

South Australia will have the toughest knife laws in the country, under reforms to be introduced to Parliament by the Malinauskas Labor Government this week.

The comprehensive package includes expanding police powers to conduct wanding searches in shopping centres and at public transport hubs, requirements for the secure storage of knives in stores, and the creation of two new offences for supplying knives to minors.

The laws, to be introduced to State Parliament this week, have been developed following extensive consultation with SAPOL and the broader community.

Under the proposed reforms:

  • Police will have greater power to conduct wanding searches at shopping centres, public transport hubs, on public transport vehicles and at licensed premises.
  • It will be an offence to supply a knife to a minor, where the supplier knew or ought to have known that the knife could be used in an offence.
  • The sale of knives to minors will be banned, without exception.
  • Offences for carrying and using knives at schools and public places will be expanded to cover childcare centres, preschools, kindergartens, universities and TAFE SA campuses.
  • Stores selling certain types of knives will need to keep them securely locked up or tethered.
  • The display of signage stating that knives cannot be sold to minors will be mandated at any retail premises selling knives.

As put by Peter Malinauskas

While there are legitimate reasons to own a knife, recent events both locally and interstate have highlighted the need for us to crack down on potential knife crime.

These laws are a major step forward in minimising the risk of knife crime, and ensuring authorities have the powers they need to use wands to search those who may put members of the public at risk.

As put by Kyam Maher

This is a significant step forward in keeping the community safe, developed in consultation with SA Police and others.

This comprehensive package of reforms is part of the Government's efforts to make sure South Australia's knife crime laws are tough, effective, and give police the tools they need to keep our community safe.

I thank all of those people who had their say during the extensive consultation on these measures, and look forward to their passage through State Parliament.

As put by Stephen Mullighan

These new reforms will see us have the strongest knife laws in the country.

Giving Police these new powers means they can stop knife crime before it happens and South Australians can continue to feel safe in their community.

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