Tourism Policy School Highlights Resource Challenges

Tourism industry, government and research leaders are set to gather at the Otago Tourism Policy School in Queenstown next week to problem solve the pressing concern of effectively resourcing New Zealand's tourism system.

Demand from key tourism stakeholders to attend this year's forum, organised by the University of Otago – Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka's Department of Tourism, is the highest since the annual event began seven years ago.

Over two days, tourism stakeholders and high-level tourism and conservation policymakers will discuss timely issues, including resourcing tourism on conservation land, private-public partnerships, user-pays models, and what New Zealand can learn from overseas tourism systems.

Associate Professor Susan Houge Mackenzie

Associate Professor Susan Houge Mackenzie

School Co-Director Associate Professor Susan Houge Mackenzie says the current system is insufficiently resourced, and regional tourism organisations want to see national leadership to help enable regional destination management plans and initiatives.

The previous government had encouraged regional tourism organisations and tourism stakeholders to 'reset' tourism by focusing on regenerative tourism and how tourism could better serve communities beyond economic benefits, she says.

"There has been a significant shift under the current government, which wants to double exports.

"As a major export earner for New Zealand, tourism is seen as a significant contributor to this growth target, with a focus on growing off-peak international travel."

Queenstown, home of the Tourism Policy School, can be seen as a microcosm for the tourism industry, with urgent infrastructure and resourcing issues, she says.

"Anyone who lives there will tell you these are urgent issues that need to be addressed.

"While off-peak travel can certainly help address resourcing and infrastructure challenges, there are still immediate challenges that need to be addressed to ensure the sustainability of our key tourism resources – both built and natural."

It is "very positive" that the new Minister for Tourism and Hospitality Louise Upston is coming to the event, she says.

"It shows a willingness to engage, listen, and look at different ways of doing things."

The Tourism Policy School offers a unique opportunity to bring together a range of key stakeholders and experts who aren't usually in the same room together to find solutions to systemic tourism issues, she says.

"As an academic, the School also offers a meaningful way for us to make a difference beyond research papers. The aim is to help bridge the gap between academia, policymakers, and industry to create real-world benefits and broader impact."

As part of this year's event, guest speakers from Ireland, Scotland and the United States will be sharing innovative resourcing and funding models used overseas.

"With so much current discussion about funding and resourcing options, I think it's a very good time to be looking at overseas models to see what we could take on board here," she says.

2025 Otago Tourism Policy School is on April 3 and 4 in Queenstown.

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