Town And City Water Security Framework

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

Water security is essential to the prosperity of towns and cities across Australia. All communities should have access to an adequate supply of good quality water. Unfortunately, some Australian communities do not have reliable water supplies. The lack of a consistent approach to assess water security has made it difficult to identify and address the issues and priorities across Australia.

That's why the Australian Government has worked with state and territory governments, and with the water industry, to create the Town and City Water Security Framework. The framework will help us understand the water security status of towns and cities around the country. It does not replace jurisdictions' system-level planning. It can provide a diagnosis of a system of any scale, type and location across Australia. By focusing on the key indicators and drivers of water security, the framework provides a consistent approach at a national scale.

A report on the framework is available here.


DocumentFile size
Town and city water security: Definition and reporting framework PDF1.66 MB
Town and city water security: Definition and reporting framework DOCX1.94 MB

Please note: These reports were not prepared by the department and may not meet Australian Government accessibility guidelines

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