Town Square Reopening And Time Capsule Reveal


The old and the new will be on show in Argent Street this weekend with the Town Square to be reopened at 10.30am on Saturday, March 8.

The reopening will coincide with the distribution of the contents of a Chamber Of Commerce time capsule that was buried in the year 2000. There will also be a charity BBQ by Lions and stalls hosted by local traders.

The town square redevelopment has cost around $1.5 million, with 80% of that cost covered by funding through the NSW Government's Resources For Regions program and Commonwealth Government's Building Better Regions Fund.

The upgrade features greatly improved disability access, and includes new seating, paving, landscaping, dining areas, and shade sails with misters. The Women's Memorial will also be reinstalled near its original position.

Mayor Tom Kennedy invited all locals to come along and see the new Town Square and view the time capsule contents.

"We're really proud to have upgraded this space and finally made it accessible for locals with a disability or mobility impairment," said Mayor Kennedy.

"We also want to thank all businesses who were affected by construction, they've all been very patient throughout the construction process.

"Thankfully all the heavy lifting is now behind us and the whole community can benefit from a greatly improved public space."

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