Safety has been boosted at the Townsville Correctional Complex with 24 new custodial correctional officers graduating at a ceremony at Ignatius Park College on Friday.
Queensland Corrective Services Commissioner Peter Martin APM welcomed the new officers as they were sworn into their vital role on the front line of public safety in North Queensland.
"The skills the officers have received as part of the program will be vital in managing some of the most challenging and complex people in our society.
"I have faith that they are prepared to play their part in keeping the centre and North Queensland safe.
"I want to thank the graduates for their hard work and dedication to their new career, and also to the training team for preparing them for their role ahead," Commissioner Martin said.
The Australian National Medal was awarded to one officer for 15 years diligent service and the War Dogs Association Medal was awarded to four dog handlers and their past and present dogs for five years of continuous service.