Townsville Residents Urged To Stay Informed

Residents across Townsville should stay informed as rain continues to fall across the local government area.

The Townsville Local Disaster Management Group remains at alert as the Bureau of Meteorology advises of the possibility of further thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow.

TLDMG Chair Andrew Robinson said residents needed to stay up to date and continue listening to advice.

"We're not forecast to receive the rainfall totals that we have had in the past 48 hours, however that does not mean people should become complacent," Cr Robinson said.

"Having received almost half a metre of rain throughout the LGA in the past week, grounds are well and truly saturated so there is a lot of pooling water lying around.

"Residents across the Townsville area should keep an eye on the conditions and continue listening to advice as rain lingers in the days to come across the region.

"There is always the possibility of localised flooding with these sorts of events, so as always, if streets or roads are flooded, forget it.

"Residents can stay informed by visiting the Townsville Disaster Dashboard or the Townsville Disaster Information Facebook page.

"The TLDMG remains at alert and will continue to monitor conditions."

Sand is still available at Lou Litster Park for residents.

Remember, if it's flooded, forget it. Do not drive through floodwater.

For non-life threatening emergencies, call SES on 132 500.

To stay up to date visit the Emergency Management and Disaster Dashboard or listen to local radio.

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