Townsville Residents Urged To Stay Informed 25 March

The Townsville Local Disaster Management Group (TLDMG) is asking residents to stay informed and be prepared as rain persists across the region.

The Bureau of Meteorology has advised a risk of slow-moving thunderstorms throughout the day which could cause localised flash flooding across Townsville.

TLDMG Chair Andrew Robinson said despite lower rainfall totals than expected, residents should still stay informed on the current situation.

"The city has been lucky to not receive as much rainfall overnight as forecast, however that doesn't mean the threat of rain is gone. Heavy rainfall is expected to persist this evening and overnight," Cr Robinson said.

"It is important for residents to stay informed of the weather conditions and be prepared for localised flooding. This includes having an evacuation plan for your household and sandbagging your property if it's needed."

Ross River Dam is continuing a controlled release in accordance with the approved Emergency Action Plan. The Ross River is closed to sport and recreation users.

Beaches at The Strand, Pallarenda, Rowes Bay and Five Mile Beach are closed to the public. The Rockpool remains open.

Townsville's sewerage network is currently at capacity due to rainwater intake. Residents are asked to delay washing clothes, take shorter showers and only flush their toilet when necessary to minimise pressure on the sewerage system.

Sand and bags are available at:

  • Lou Litster Park - 30 Boundary St, Railway Estate
  • Council Depot Ross Dam Access, Ross Dam Access, Kelso
  • Corner Bruce Highway & Mount Low Parkway, Mount Low
  • Bluewater Community Centre, 14 Forestry Rd, Bluewater

For non-life threatening emergencies, call SES on 132 500.

To stay up to date visit the Emergency Management and Disaster Dashboard, go to the Townsville Disaster Information Facebook page or listen to local radio.

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