Vic Department of Transport
Sections of High Street, Kew will close from 10pm on Friday, 17 September until Saturday, 2 October, as the popular tram corridor undergoes a $5.2 million upgrade, that will deliver safer and more reliable journeys for passengers.
These works include replacing large sections of the tram tracks, as well as replacing and refurbishing overhead power infrastructure.
Road closures and detours
High Street, Kew closes in three sections between Barkers Road and Burke Road during the works:
- There will be a full road closure of High Street between Burke Road and Harp Road from 10pm on Friday, 17 September to 5am on Saturday, 2 October, with detours via Burke Road and Harp Road.
- The Kew Junction will be closed to traffic in all directions from 10pm on Friday, 17 September until 5am on Wednesday, 22 September. This closure will affect through traffic on Studley Park Road, Denmark Street, Princess Street and High Street. Alternative routes include Burke Road, Victoria Street and Barkers Road, Glenferrie Road, Earl Street and Cotham Road.
- The stretch of High Street between Barkers Road and O'Shaughnessy Street closes from 10pm on Friday, 17 September to 5am Saturday, 25 September. Motorists should use the local detour via Denmark Street and Stevenson Street.
No vehicle access, other than emergency services, will be permitted during this time.
Signed detours will be in place around the works zones.
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