Traffic, drug and stealing charges at Townsville

Police have charged a man with 27 traffic, drug and stealing offences after he failed to stop for police this afternoon in Townsville.

It will be alleged at 4.40pm police were travelling on Hammond Way at Kelso when they observed a white Holden Commodore with stolen registration plates attached. Police activated emergency lights and siren however the vehicle accelerated away.

A tyre deflation device was successfully deployed a short time later on Kelso Drive. The vehicle turned onto Riverway Drive and came to complete stop near Maud street after the vehicle could not be driven any further due to the extensive damage to the rims.

Police arrested the driver who was the sole occupant of the car.

A 34-year-old Yabulu man has been charged with dangerous operation of a vehicle, drive under the influence of liquor or a drug and fail to comply with requirement to stop. He has also been charged with four counts or disqualified driving, three counts each of evade police and use stolen registration plates, receiving tainted property, and stealing. Two counts of drive uninsured vehicle and drive unregistered vehicle and one count each of assault police, possession of drug utensil (glass pipe) and two counts of possession of anything used in connection with a drug offence (clip seal bags and plastic scoop).

He will appear in the Townsville Magistrates Court tomorrow, April 19.

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