Navy will change the way it trains and prepares its people, placing a focus on career flexibility and life-long learning through skills acquisition and competence.
Deputy Chief of Navy Rear Admiral Jonathan Earley launched Navy Mastery Career Pathways (MCP) on November 8, in Sydney, during Indo Pacific 2023 International Maritime Exposition, which encompasses the RAN's Sea Power Conference.
Through MCPs, the display of careers will shift from the straight-line ladder continuums to a lattice, allowing opportunities for career broadening.
At the launch, Rear Admiral Earley explained how MCPs provide a visualisation of careers to help Navy people decide on core roles with associated learning and development opportunities that lead to 'Headmark' positions - the pinnacle of the indicative pathways.
"Navy recognises that retaining our high-quality, experienced personnel, as well as attracting new talent, is critical to supporting our future capability requirements, and was highlighted in the Defence Strategic Review," Rear Admiral Earley said.
"Through the Navy Mastery System and the MCPs, we are both growing our workforce in specialist areas and providing exciting opportunities for our members.
"Workforce transformation is never an easy process but, having developed this system, Navy now has a framework to continue to build a professional, integrated workforce that diversifies learning and development through learning modernisation within Defence, and sustains a capable and resilient Navy."