TransLink Secures $1.5B for Metro Vancouver Transit

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

The federal government is investing in public transit projects across the country to ensure that more Canadians connected to jobs, services, and their communities. These sustained infrastructure investments are key to growing the strongest economy in the G7.

Today, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, on behalf of the Honourable Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, Mike Farnworth, British Columbia's Minister of Transportation and Transit, and Kevin Quinn, Chief Executive Officer of TransLink, announced a federal investment of more than $1.5 billion over ten years in public transit funding for Metro Vancouver through the creation of a Metro-Region Agreement, starting in 2026.

Under the Metro-Region Agreement stream of the new Canada Public Transit Fund, the federal government is providing long-term, predictable funding for the growth and maintenance of public transit in the Metro Vancouver region. Metro Vancouver's public transit network is one of the busiest in Canada, connecting the municipalities within the region with bus, SkyTrain, West Coast Express and SeaBus services.

The Metro-Region Agreement will also look to accelerate the positive role that public transit can play in creating sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous communities. The Agreement will help ensure that all orders of government are aligned in their efforts to get the most out of investments in public transit to create more complete, transit-oriented communities, improve the housing supply and affordability, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This 10-year funding commitment complements the recently announced $663 million investment for TransLink under the Baseline stream of the CPTF and builds on great investments in the region, including almost $1.5 billion in support of the Surrey-Langley Skytrain and the Millennium Line Broadway Extension projects.

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