Transport Minister Declares Domestic Arctic Ban on Heavy Fuel Oil

Transport Canada

Marine transportation is the backbone of a thriving economy, supports our supply chains, and helps make life more affordable for Canadians. It can also have environmental impacts on our oceans and waterways. Transport Canada is taking action to address the environmental impacts of marine shipping by implementing a ban on the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) by vessels in the Arctic.

Today, the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, announced the Government of Canada is moving forward with a domestic ban on the use and carriage for use as fuel of heavy fuel oils in Arctic waters that will be implemented on July 1, 2024.

The ban will be implemented through an Interim Order while the regulations are being amended. All double hulled ships will be exempted from the HFO ban until July 1, 2029, and ships involved in Arctic community resupply can apply for a waiver until July 1, 2026.

Decarbonizing the marine sector is a key part of growing a clean net-zero economy. It requires sector-wide collaboration and innovation to reduce the impact of shipping emissions on surrounding communities and ecosystems, while supporting economic growth. Transport Canada is continuing to work with Arctic communities, Indigenous and Inuit groups, government, industry, and environmental stakeholders to protect the environment.

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