TRC Approves $703.6M Budget and Operational Plan for 2024-25

Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) today (Tuesday, June 25) adopted its 2024-25 Budget, Operational Plan and Revenue Statement.

Toowoomba Region Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald said Council's $703.6 million financial plan would allow it to maintain and upgrade existing facilities and services while planning for a brighter future for current and successive generations.

"The Budget reflects the priorities outlined in the Operational Plan (for the 2024-25 financial year) and Council's Corporate Plan (2024-2029), which comes into effect on July 1," Mayor McDonald said.

"We remain mindful of the cost-of-living pressures that continue to challenge families right across the Toowoomba Region.

"That is why we've delivered a cautious and considered financial plan with a responsible rate rise.

"The general rate will rise 5% with the majority of urban residential ratepayers facing an average increase of $3.91 per week, and keeping in mind that changes will of course depend on individual circumstances.

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