TRC to Monitor Dams Amid TC Alfred Weather Alert

Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) will closely monitor the region's three major dams as Tropical Cyclone Alfred crosses the coastline and potentially heads west later this week.

Toowoomba Region Deputy Mayor Councillor Rebecca Vonhoff said Cressbrook, Perseverance and Cooby Dams were all likely to spill should significant rainfall occur across the region in coming days.

"Council will stand-up its dam monitoring control room which will feed information into the Toowoomba Local Disaster Management Group about the status and levels of our three major dams.

"This will help inform any community messaging and potential impacts that we may see from TC Alfred from Friday and across the weekend.

"Cressbrook Dam is currently at 82.1 per cent, Perseverance is currently 92.8 per cent and Cooby Dam is at 96.9 per cent capacity.

"All three of these dams have spillways, meaning Council does not have the capability to enact flood mitigation measures in the same way that SEQ Water's Wivenhoe Dam operates for instance.

"The community can be assured that Council will monitor and model any impacts as a result of the region's dams spilling and will keep the community updated across the weekend," Cr Vonhoff said.

For the latest updates on weather warnings across Queensland visit

Council's Disaster Dashboard is also available as an important resource for road closures and weather warnings across the region here -

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